Splash Fall 2018
Course Catalog

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Humanities Math & Computer Science
Science Miscellaneous


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H144: A Series of (Un)fortunate Events: How One Letter Ended a War and Started a Revolution
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Sruthi Katakam

In this course, we will discuss how the Einstein-Szilard Letter set off a chain of events, including the formation of the Manhattan Project, the creation of the National Laboratory system, the invention, testing, and subsequent use of the atomic bomb, and post-war disarmament and peace efforts.

H158: Intro to Argument and Debate
Difficulty: *

In this course, we will be covering the fundamentals of logical arguments and apply those skills in a debate at the end.

H166: Learn how to write your name in Korean!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Nikki Lopez

In this course, students will get a basic grasp of how to read the Korean Alphabet (Hangul) and by the end of class, they will learn how to write their name in Korean.

H157: Character and Leadership
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Isaac Adlerstein

Character is everything. Martin Luther King Jr. once said that "the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Having the courage to lead can be a difficult thing to cultivate. However, each and every single one of us can be a leader by living by our values and empowering others to do the same.

Drawing on examples of great leaders of the past, this class will explore what it means to be a leader of character, and will offer ways for each individual to realize that potential within themselves.

Math & Computer Science

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M155: Football by the Numbers: Statistical Analysis in the NFL
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Akul Naik

An introduction to the evolving ways
NFL teams are using statistics and analytics to make decisions and evaluate player performance.

M160: Three-Dimensional Chess Computing
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ross Dempsey

Have you ever looked at a silicon circuit board and thought, "I wish there was a way to do this using a nicer material, like fine mahogany?" In fact, there is. In this class, we'll discuss a method for building logic circuits as positions in a three-dimensional chess game. You'll learn about logic gates, Boolean circuits, and models of computation. This concept was invented by the instructors, so there is literally no other place to learn this. No prior knowledge of computer science or chess is required.

M161: Python Programming
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ross Dempsey

In this class, you'll learn the basics of programming in Python. We'll start with an introduction to the basics of Python syntax and usage, and work through a few examples as a class. You'll have access to a sequence of programming challenges that revolve around writing a program to play chess. The tasks will start simple, like moving a pawn, and progress to greater difficulties, so you'll be able to move at your own pace. When you're finished, or whenever you're done, you can play the game based on the code you wrote. Everything will be web-based, so you can view your work at home, or even continue it.


M162: Web Programming
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ross Dempsey

In this class, you'll learn how to program a dynamic website using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. We'll start with an introduction to the syntax of each language, and how they all interact on a single webpage. You'll get a personal page for yourself, which you can design and fill with any content you like. There will also be a sequence of tasks in which you develop your skills by building a user interface for a chess game.

M163: Artificial Intelligence
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Ross Dempsey

In this class, you'll learn how to use computer programming to solve complex decision problems using artificial intelligence. We'll start with a review of the scope of artificial intelligence and the types of methods used, and then start with self-paced project work. You'll use Python to solve several small problems, which together create a program which plays chess. You'll be able to test your program by playing against it yourself. It would be helpful to attend the Python Programming class before this class, but this is not required.


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S142: Makeup Your Mind: Beauty Trends and the Psychology Behind Them
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Shaina Munin

Trends in beauty have been defining features of generations past, and thanks to Youtube and a booming cosmetics industry, makeup is more prevalent in our society than ever before. But how is it that the classic red lip has transcended decades of trends? And why do present-day Instagram models blind the haters with beaming highlighter? In this class, we will turn to evolutionary and social psychology research to answer these questions, covering topics such as physical attraction, conformity, and self-esteem.

S143: The Science of Learning
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kiley McKee

What is learning? How can we learn better? This class aims to answer these questions. We will use psychology, cognitive science, and educational research to evaluate what learning consists of and discuss how we can make improvements to our own individual learning, rather it be for learning a new skill, studying for a test, or just improving overall as a student.

S146: Apoptosis: Destruction that Saves
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Hannah Garcia

In this course we will be discussing Apoptosis which is the process of programmed cell death present in multi cellular organisms.
Topics Covered:
- Overview of apoptosis as a whole
- How apoptosis makes us, us!
- Why it is a necessary process
- What happens when there are complications with this process

S147: Dissociative Identity Disorder - An Introduction
Difficulty: *

This course will introduce students to DID, one of the most complex and stigmatized mental disorders. DID refers to the presence of two or more identity states, commonly referred to as alters, in a single individual. This is typically due to extraordinarily traumatic experiences as a child, along with genetic, cognitive, and biological factors.


S153: The Physics of Music
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Daniel Shenker

This course will delve into the science of waves and frequencies to create music. We will look at how instruments differ in terms of this and also why certain music sounds good to our ears and others does not.

S156: Your Brain on Drugs
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Fiona Pat

You may have heard words like dopamine and serotonin when we talk about the brain or how drugs work in the brain. But what are those things? How do they work? This class will give you a basic understanding of how neurons talk to each other using chemicals and how drugs affect that communication.


S165: Neurons and Our 5 Senses
Difficulty: **

We will be giving a brief overview of all the sensory neurons in our bodies! We all know what the 5 senses are (taste, sight, smell, sound, and feel), but the neurons/receptor cells that process these different types of information are all unique, and that is what we will be teaching about.

A super basic understanding of what the brain is. We'll explain what neurons are, so we have no other prereqs.

S167: Introduction to the Auditory System
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Valentina Mattfeld

In this class, students will be learning the foundations of the auditory system, and the underlying neural mechanisms that allow us to hear. Students will be introduced to the anatomy of the auditory system, as well as the how sound is translated into information for the brain and detect the source of a sound. We will finish the class by discussing disorders caused by damage to important auditory centers in the brain.

S151: Chemistry in Cooking
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Junjia Zhang

The course introduces a few chemical reactions behind everyday cooking. We will talk about Millard reactions behind braised pork, the reason why we need to fry the tomatoes first before we cook the tomato soup, and probably more! The course will introduce you to some very interesting organic reactions and also tell you how to cook better. So if you are interested in chemistry or cooking or both, please come to this course!

I think it would be great if the students taking this course have at least some background in chemistry(like one semester of chemistry course in high school, etc.); it's okay if you don't, but the chemistry part of the course might be a little bit hard to follow.


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X145: Kitten 101
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Hannah Garcia

Kitten season - the time when most adult cats give birth to their kittens - runs from April-October and local shelters are going to need your help! If you want to learn how to save tiny lives, this is the class for you. In this class we will go over why these little ones need our help and, also, how to take care of kittens from the time when they are newborns up to the age of eight weeks.

X148: Say what you mean, mean what you say!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Rubi Ramirez

This course will look into popular sayings that have been changed, misconstrued, and/or attributed to the wrong person. We'll be looking at sayings that come up in daily life, look into their history and origins and learn how to use them correctly.
e.g. Blood is thicker than water.
Original version: The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

X149: Introduction to Taekwondo
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Shravan Venkatesan

Want to learn how to defend yourself in a fight? Want to impress your friends with all your fancy new kicks? Just need a way to get some exercise? Do none of these conditions apply to you? No matter the case, this is the class for you!
This course will take you through the fundamentals of taekwondo, including basic stance work and posture, blocks, punches and kicks. We will also cover good practices to use when stretching before and after working your muscles, and how to build up endurance over time. We may also introduce a basic fighting form if time permits. NO PRIOR MARTIAL ARTS EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED!

Make sure to wear comfortable clothing (eg. sweatpants, t-shirt).

X150: Introduction to Poi Spinning
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Shravan Venkatesan

"As a performance art, poi involves swinging tethered weights through a variety of rhythmical and geometric patterns. Poi artists may also sing or dance while swinging their poi. Poi can be made from various materials with different handles, weights, and effects (such as fire). " - Wikipedia
Simply put, poi is the easiest way to make you feel like you're a ninja! We will cover some basic moves, such as 2-beat, 3-beat, windmills, buzzsaw, and corkscrew, and more advanced moves may be introduced if time permits. We will also cover good techniques to make sure you don't hit yourself and that learning new moves is easier later on.

X164: Introduction to Game Design
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Marcos Bottenbley

Are you interested in making a fun game? This course will introduce students to the art of designing games. Students will look at examples of video games with interesting and unique mechanics and discuss how and why these mechanics make the game fun. We will also briefly discuss the other roles people play in the creation of a video game.

X169: Tour Hopkins
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Admissions at JHU

Come join Hopkins's official student tour guides for a tour around campus!