Splash Spring 2024
Course Catalog

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Arts Humanities
Math & Computer Science Science


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A497: Intro to Oil Painting 1
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Janis Park

Discover the beauty of oil painting in our creative class. Learn how to use brushes and colors to bring your imagination to life on canvas. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, this class is a great way to explore your artistic side and have fun with paint. Come join us and unlock your inner artist!


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H499: Leadership 101
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Ria Thakur

Are you curious about learning more about your leadership style? What makes a successful leader? Answers to these questions and more can be found in this class, where we will cover the basics of leadership theory!!

Math & Computer Science

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M492: Intro to Programming: Python and Turtle Graphics
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Emily Guan

Are you interested in programming but have no idea where to start? Join Intro to Programming to gain firsthand experience in learning basic Python command structures and graphics! Learn how to draw Spongebob using code, and write your first program!

(Computers will be provided!)


M501: Life As Described By Mathematicians
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Marcus Kwok

An introduction to various mathematical (and sometimes computational) approaches to analyzing biological systems. We'll learn mathematical models to population dynamics, disease, enzyme kinetics, etc., and primary motivations to using these models. For mathematicians with a curiosity in living things or living things with a curiosity in mathematics.

Some knowledge of calculus and biology. Upper level math is helpful.

M502: Intro to Machine Learning With International Fishing Data (Beginner Friendly)
Difficulty: **

"Excuse me, you can't fish there." Is illegal fishing (or other miscellaneous sea activity) your Roman Empire? Do you want a career in computer science, math, or machine learning? This course introduces students to introductory machine learning methods. We will use these methods to make predictions. For example, using just radar data and information about the ship (like speed, distance from coast, etc.), we can predict if a boat is fishing or up to some other fishy ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) business. We will discuss machine learning models in the context of international fishing data, and get our feet wet with some experiments on public datasets. Get ready for a fin-tastic ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) time!

Also, I set the of(fish)ial ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) duration to three hours just for some extra time for troubleshooting but the course will likely be shorter.

- Know what a quadratic, log, and polynomial function is (on the surface level at least) - Some slight familiarity with python or other coding background would be nice but not necessary


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S494: Introduction to Bioanalytical Techniques
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Wilson Huang

Interested in the sort of molecular biology experiments conducted in research and industry settings? This course will begin by giving a quick overview on DNA, RNA, and proteins and proceed to examine the basic theory and method regarding foundational bioanalytical techniques such as PCR, ELISA, gel electrophoresis and the cloning cycle. The course will then explore more technical experiments involving next generation DNA sequencing and common staining procedures performed on clinical samples.

S495: Sugars and Cancers
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sean Lee

Are you interested in learning about cancer? And specifically what role sugars play in helping cancer thrive?

This course will begin with a basic introduction to glycobiology - the biology of sugars in the human body - followed by an exploration into how sugars are able to alter the immune system.

Basic understanding of cells is preferred

S496: How do we hear?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Andrew Suster

Have you ever wondered how we hear sounds? Come and listen to the class and find out just how you can do that!

S498: Learning & Memory
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Mahmoud Said

How can we best learn and retain information? How can we then recall that information when we absolutely need to? In this course, we'll go over some basic info on learning and memory, and dive into some cool techniques we can employ to become better learners.

S500: Intro to Pulmonology
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Dean Sharif

Quick! Don’t think about manually breathing in and out right now! Okay… now that you’re uncomfortably aware of your own breaths, let’s talk breathing and lungs. I’m sure you all know how important your lungs are, but what exactly makes them so important? How do we standardize “healthy” versus “unhealthy”?

In this course we will go over basic tests and mechanisms in the field of pulmonology. As well, we will apply this information to real-life scenarios that arose during the COVID-19 pandemic.

S503: Biomedical Imaging Techniques
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Austin Chen

How can we visualize the tissues in our bodies at tiny scales? This course provides an introduction to biomedical imaging modalities, such as X-ray, CT, SPECT, PET, and MRI. We will also discuss recent research and clinical applications of the biomedical imaging techniques, from neurological diseases to cancers.


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X493: Financial Literacy
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Eric Cho

Do you like money? Me too. Here's some smart ways to save money, passively make money, and plan your financial future.

Be human