Splash Biography

MAHMOUD SAID, Hopkins sophomore studying Neuroscience

Major: Neuroscience

College/Employer: Johns Hopkins

Year of Graduation: 2026

Picture of Mahmoud Said

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hello! My name is Mahmoud and I'm a sophomore this year at Hopkins.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S507: Learning & Memory in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 16, 2024)
How do we best learn and retain information? What neural mechanisms are at play? What does the literature have to say about our study habits? This course is a (brief) dive into learning, memory, and memorization, and how we can best hack our brains to learn better than before. ** Available in Hybrid **

S498: Learning & Memory in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 20, 2024)
How can we best learn and retain information? How can we then recall that information when we absolutely need to? In this course, we'll go over some basic info on learning and memory, and dive into some cool techniques we can employ to become better learners.

S487: Learning & Memory in Splash Fall 2023 (Dec. 02, 2023)
Your brain is like the sponge, but how do we maximize the amount of information we can absorb at any given time?

S462: Learning & Memory in Splash Spring 2023 (Apr. 08, 2023)
Your brain is a sponge that loves learning new information, but how can we most effectively retain that knowledge? How can we ensure that we memorize what we need to know, whether it's for school, sports, work, & more? In this course, we'll go over the best techniques that we can apply to learn most effectively and for as long as we can.

M401: Intro to Programming in Splash Fall 2022 (Nov. 06, 2022)
Explore programming concepts applicable to most programming languages, including Python, C++, JavaScript, and others! Learn about variables, functions, data structures, and control flow. No prior programming experience required, foundations will be explained.