Splash Biography

WILSON HUANG, Johns Hopkins Sophomore Molecular & Cellular Bio

Major: Molecular and Cellular Biology

College/Employer: Johns Hopkins

Year of Graduation: 2025

Picture of Wilson Huang

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Studying Molecular and Cellular Biology at Johns Hopkins University
- Undergraduate Researcher at the Institute for NanoBioTechnology Wirtz Lab
- Woodrow Wilson Fellow working on the use of self-amplifying mRNA for therapeutic monoclonal antibody expression

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S494: Introduction to Bioanalytical Techniques in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 20, 2024)
Interested in the sort of molecular biology experiments conducted in research and industry settings? This course will begin by giving a quick overview on DNA, RNA, and proteins and proceed to examine the basic theory and method regarding foundational bioanalytical techniques such as PCR, ELISA, gel electrophoresis and the cloning cycle. The course will then explore more technical experiments involving next generation DNA sequencing and common staining procedures performed on clinical samples.

S475: Introduction to Bioanalytical Techniques in Splash Fall 2023 (Dec. 02, 2023)
Interested in the sort of molecular biology experiments conducted in research and industry settings? This course will begin by giving a quick overview on DNA, RNA, and proteins and proceed to examine the basic theory and method regarding foundational bioanalytical techniques such as PCR, ELISA, gel electrophoresis and the cloning cycle. The course will then explore more technical experiments involving next generation DNA sequencing and common staining procedures performed on clinical samples.

S447: Introduction to Bioanalytical Techniques in Splash Spring 2023 (Apr. 08, 2023)
Interested in the sort of molecular biology experiments conducted in research and industry settings? This course will begin by giving a quick overview on DNA, RNA, and proteins and proceed to examine the basic theory and method regarding foundational bioanalytical techniques such as PCR, ELISA, gel electrophoresis and the cloning cycle. The course will then explore more technical experiments involving next generation DNA sequencing and common staining procedures performed on clinical samples.

S398: Introduction to Bioanalytical Techniques in Splash Fall 2022 (Nov. 06, 2022)
Interested in the sort of molecular biology experiments conducted in research and industry settings? This course will begin by giving a quick overview on DNA, RNA, and proteins and proceed to examine the basic theory and method regarding foundational bioanalytical techniques such as PCR, ELISA, gel electrophoresis and the cloning cycle. The course will then explore more technical experiments involving next generation DNA sequencing and common staining procedures performed on clinical samples.

S381: Introduction to Bioanalytical Techniques in Splash Spring 2022 (Apr. 23, 2022)
Interested in the sort of molecular biology experiments conducted in research and industry settings? This course will begin by giving a quick overview on DNA, RNA, and proteins and proceed to examine the basic theory and method regarding foundational bioanalytical techniques such as PCR, ELISA, gel electrophoresis and the cloning cycle. The course will then explore more technical experiments involving next generation DNA sequencing and common staining procedures performed on clinical samples.

S371: Introduction to Bioanalytical Techniques in Splash Fall 2021 (Nov. 06, 2021)
Interested in the sort of molecular biology experiments conducted in research and industry settings? This course will begin by giving a quick overview on DNA, RNA, and proteins and proceed to examine the basic theory and method regarding foundational bioanalytical techniques such as PCR, ELISA, gel electrophoresis and the cloning cycle. The course will then explore more technical experiments involving next generation DNA sequencing and common staining procedures performed on clinical samples.