Teach - Registration

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We know class registration can feel like a hassle, so we've broken it up into 3 easy steps! If you have any questions about the following, please reach out to one of the members of the executive board, or email jhusplash@gmail.com.

Step 1: Create an Account

Click here or on the 'Sign Up' link on the top right of the page, and follow the instructions to register as a volunteer teacher. If you've taught with us before or already have an account, you can skip this step. 

Step 2: Create Your Class

Once you have a teacher account, you will be allowed to register your class. This will allow students to sign up for your class once student registration opens. You can click here or on the 'Register' tab on the left to make/edit your classes. Make sure you know what classroom and materials you will need for your class when you register so they can be provided before the program begins.

Step 3: Complete CSC Training

The Center for Social Concern requires all undergraduates to complete a child safety training module before interacting with minors to ensure their safety and comfort. To complete this module:

  1. Log into your student portal here.
  2. Go to Education > myLearning.
  3. Search for "Training on the Safety of Children in University Programs" and complete the module.
  4. Save the completion certificate (we may ask for it later).

You will also be contacted once you register your class to complete a brief background check before the program.

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Last modified by rgurumu1 on Feb. 22, 2024 at 07:00 p.m.