Splash Biography
SMITHA MAHESH, Passionate philosopher and mathematician
Major: Physics College/Employer: Johns Hopkins Year of Graduation: 2021 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Smitha Mahesh was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. An alumn from Perry Hall High School, she went onto Johns Hopkins University to pursue her love for math, science, and philosophy. Pre-majored under physics, Smitha has recently discovered and continues to discover the beauty of philosophy in mathematics and science. When she isn’t organizing her colorful pens, you will likely find her in the Mattin Center choreographing dances. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)M107: Calculus Separable Equations in Splash Spring 2018 (Feb. 24, 2018)
Introduction to Differential Equations
Students will learn to how differentiate separable equations and apply the knowledge to real-world applications.